Component 4 : Project Coordination and Management
This component will involve management of the various components of a large-scale project to ensure its successful planning, implementation, and evaluation. The component will focus on developing a comprehensive plan for the project, managing the financial resources of the project, ensuring compliance with procurement regulations, and implementing systems for tracking and reporting on financial transactions, Staffing & Human Resource (HR) management ensuring that the project is implemented in compliance with environmental and social safeguards standards, Development of the MIS and ICT, conducting regular monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities to track project progress, identify areas for improvement, conducting an evaluation of the project's impact on the target population, monitoring implementation of communication strategy to ensure that project stakeholders are informed and engaged, knowledge management and engaging citizens in the project planning, implementation, and evaluation process.
4.1 Project Coordination:
This subcomponent will look into the strengthening of the human resource capacity staffing. This will be achieved through strengthening operational and implementation units (NPCU, CPCU, CoG, JASSCOM etc), monitoring the procurement arrangements and thresholds, reporting, audits, and financial management guidelines. The subcomponent will also ensure that the staffs working environment and transportation means are catered for at all levels. The subcomponent will also monitor the development, validation and disclosure of the different project operation manuals.
4.2: Monitoring & Evaluation and ICT:
This subcomponent will involve undertaking of collection, analysis and reporting of data, development of ICT-based Agricultural Information Platform for sharing information and facilitation of networking on all project components. This will be achieved through review of M&E framework for existing projects and development a new one for the current project, development of MIS platform and other data collection tools and using them to collect data, conducting baseline, mid-term and end of project evaluation, development and review of annual work plans and budgets, organization of ISMs, undertaking case studies and development of communication strategy and citizen engagement.